camps and races in sedona & the santa monica mountains  



Questions?...We have answers :)

Where the heck is Sedona and how do I get there? Sedona, Arizona is located approximately 2 hours north of Phoenix in the Red Rock District of Coconino National Forest. The closest airport to Sedona is Pulliam Airport located in Flagstaff (~1 hour drive) and serviced by American Airlines and United. Otherwise, Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport has many airlines servicing it daily (~2 hour drive). Groome Transportation services Sedona from Sky Harbor Airport if you are looking for a shared ride. Their shuttle runs multiple times daily.

What is the elevation of Sedona? Sedona is located 4,500' above sea level.

What time zone is Sedona in? Sedona is officially in the Mountain Time Zone and does NOT observe Daylight Savings. So for this race, we will technically be the same as PST. Just to keep you on your toes.

When is sunrise on Race morning? Sunrise on October 18th is 6:38 AM.

What is the weather like in Sedona in late October? Average high temperature is 68 degrees F and average low is 36 degrees F.  Mornings will be cooler, so wear a layer and leave it at the start line area.

Where should I stay? Out Host hotel is Arabella Hotel in the heart of Sedona. It is approximately 10 miles from the start of the race. Use code: VUE for 25% off all rooms. Arabella is pet-friendly also :) Simply click the "add code" when reserving your room and select "rate access/corporate code". Here's where you add the code. Otherwise, there are many other options in town and neighboring Cottonwood, AZ; from camping to AirBnB's. Visit the other links on the RRS Race Home page. Click the tab above.

Where do I pickup my Race bib on Friday, October 17th? Bibs will be available for pickup on Friday, October 18th between 12 PM - 4:30 PM at the Hike House. The Hike House is located at 431 AZ-179 Sedona, AZ 86336.

Can I pickup my Bib race morning ~ Saturday, October 18th? Yes. Bibs will be available for pickup at the race start located at Sedona United Methodist Church ~ 3026 SR-179 N. Sedona, AZ 86336 starting at 6:30 AM.

Where do the races start on Saturday, October 18th? All races start at Sedona United Methodist Church. Sedona United Methodist Church is located at: 3026 SR-179 N. Sedona, AZ 86336. There is NO RUNNER parking available at the church. All runners will park at the finish line area and take a shuttle over OR you may be dropped off at the start location. Runner shuttles will run between 6 AM and 7AM. More information will be provided in your pre-race email.


Where do I park for the race? You will need to park your vehicle at the finish line area. There is NO RUNNER parking at the start. This race is point to point and runner parking is limited. So we encourage carpooling if possible OR you may get dropped off at the start. Parking will open at 5:45 AM and is located at Verde Valley School ~ 3511 Verde Valley School Road Sedona, AZ 86351. Please look for our volunteer to assist with where to park and catch the shuttle.


How will the Runner Shuttles work? Shuttle passes must be purchased to ride the shuttle (you will not actually receive a pass~we will have your name on a list if you paid to take the shuttle). They are available online for $12.00. Shuttles will be on site at 6AM and will depart as soon as they are fully loaded. It is an approximate 12 minute drive from the finish (where you are parking) to the start of the race, so please plan your morning accordingly. 6 shuttle vans will depart as soon as they are full ~ around 6:15 AM. If you do not make the first departure, we ask that you be patient. The second wave of shuttles should depart between 6:30-6:45 AM. If you are in the 10 Mile race, please consider taking the later shuttles since your race starts last. We will be in communication with out volunteers to ensure no one is left behind.

When do the races start on Saturday? The Marathon and 20 Milers start at 7:45 AM and the 10 Milers start at 8:00 AM.

Is there a time limit for the races? Yes, the course closes at 2:30 PM for all races. That is 7 hours from the start of the Marathon race. Marathon runners ONLY have an internal cut off at 11:45 AM. All Marathon runners must complete their first 14.8 Miles by 11:45 AM. If you have not reached the 2nd Aid Station by 11:45 AM, you will not be allowed to start the second loop. A volunteer will let you know if you have missed the cut off. At that point, you will finish the race and receive a time for the 20 Miler :) Nothing lost!!!

Will the races be timed? Yes :) All runners will receive a finishing time. Your bib will have a chip in it. If you change distances or miss the cut-off (marathoners only), please inform a volunteer at the finish line. So your time is recorded accurately.


Will there be a race photographer? Yes :) Let's Wander Photography will be back on course to capture your bring your best smile!

Will there be Aid Stations on course? There will be several Aid Stations on course. Aid stations will never be more than 8 miles apart. Please click the "Course Maps" tab above to see your race course map with Aid Station locations. This is a "cupless" race. You will be required to carry a handheld bottle or hydration pack with bladder. We will be offering Skratch hydration, Energy chews and bars, along with Spring Energy gels and Salt Stick electrolyte chews. In addition ~ coke, ginger ale, fruits, salty snacks, SNB, anti-bacterial wipes, sunscreen and more.

Where will the Restrooms be located? Restrooms will be located at the Start/Finish areas and all Aid Stations. Please see maps for specific mileage location, as they will be different depending on your race distance.

Will there be Medical on course? All Aid Stations will have First aid kits to assist you in the event of a fall. If you are having a medical emergency on the trail, please call 911. If you can get to an Aid Station, one of our volunteers will contact us and we will transport you back to the finish line area if needed.

Will the courses be marked? Yes. We will use pin flags and directional signage at trail junctures when needed. All races will have different colored flags: Marathon is yellow, 20 Miles is blue and 10 Miles is pink. We will be creating GPX files for you to download to your device or use the Ride with GPS app that we create our courses on. GPX files will be mandatory for race navigation. All of this is explained in detail in your Runner's Guide. Approximately, 2 weeks prior to the races we will email you an invitation to join the event. It will include directions on how to download the Ride with GPS app and/or use the GPX course files on your personal device.

What are the trails like in Sedona? Sedona's trails are technical. If you have never run here, you are in for an epic adventure. The trails capture nearly all terrain. So be mindful when you run. It is soooooo easy to catch a toe. You will also encounter sandy washes, slick rock plateaus and narrow single track trails. Did we mention the views??? OMGeeeee.

Will the trails be closed to other users during the race? No. All trails will be open to the public during the race and they are heavily trafficked by hikers and mountain bikers. PLEASE be aware of your surroundings and be patient with other trail users if you run up on them and they do not hear you. Please announce yourself with enough time for them to step aside. Trail use will pickup as you approach trailheads and it will dissipate as you get further out into the Wilderness. Please be patient...I know it's a race, but if you encountered people so did every other runner!

Wanna take a picture? As we mentioned, the trails in Sedona are technical. Some trails are narrow with drop offs. We ask that if you would like to take a picture, PLEASE STOP. It is so easy to catch a toe here and go down. We'd like you all to return to the Finish line in good condition :)

Can I leave a bag at the start line area? Yes, we can transport your bag back to the finish line area. Please keep your bag to a small duffle size and label it with your name.

Does everyone receive a Finishers medal? Yes ~ Medals will be handed out at the Finish line. Woohoo!

Does everyone receive a Race shirt? Yes ~ Shirts will be handed out at the Finish line area and Bib pickup on Friday. 

Will you have awesome Race Swag for purchase? Yes! If you did not pre-order our "Trail Trucker" hat, we'll have them for purchase while supplies last. We will also have our cozy race sweatshirts for purchase at bib pickup and race day! So bring some moola :)

What if I need to drop down in race distance prior to race day? NO PROBLEM! Simply email us:

What if it's not my day and I can't finish my race? If you are not feeling it and can't finish your race, no worries. Make your way to the nearest Aid Station and we'll take care of you.

What if my plans change and I cannot make the race. Do you offer refunds? We do not offer refunds, but your registration can be rolled over to next year or applied to any of our trail running camps or races.

What if the race is cancelled? If the race is cancelled due to unforeseen reasons, we will try to reschedule it for another date that year. If we are unable to reschedule it for the same year, we will roll everyone's registration fees over to the next year. 100% guarantee. Pinky promise.


Post Race Festivities? Absolutely!!! Join us post-race on Saturday, October 18th from 10 AM – 3 PM to celebrate your victories. Sponsored by Trail Running Escapes and Rotten Johnny’s & the Village Chophouse. All registered participants will receive complimentary beer and food. Not into the hard stuff? Grab an Athletic brew from our local trail runner and Athletic Brewing Ambassador Josh Tenbrink at the Finish line and bring it over. Cash bar available inside the Village Chophouse if you'd like a cocktail or wine.

Saturday evening special event details will be announced soon! Be sure to plan your stay to spend the night, so you don't miss out on all the experiences we're creating for you! Saturday evening will be held at our Host hotel ~ the Arabella. Stay tuned!