camps and races in sedona & the santa monica mountains  



GPS Files and more...

All racers will be required to carry their phone with the Ride with GPS app loaded with each day's route OR wear a watch/device with the race's GPX/TCX files for navigation purposes. This is mandatory! You will not be able to find your way on course without navigation. We highly reccommend using the Ride with GPS app on your phone. The voice navigation is top notch. The voice command prompts you prior to your turn. If you get off course for some reason, it signals you that you are off course. In addition to the navigation features, your friends and family can track you while on course. You can also record your run on Strava while navigating the course with the Ride with GPS app.

You may be asking yourself..."why is this running race using software called "Ride with GPS" for their course maps and navigation? Why not use Strava or Trailforks? All good questions! Trail Running Escapes produces trail running events while their sister company Cycling Escapes produces cycling events. We have found in our 30 years combined experience, that Ride with GPS is the best for navigation. Strava is very popular and we use it ourselves for recording our runs and rides, but it does not offer voice navigation and it does not prompt you when you are off course. Likewise with Trailforks...which we also use when exploring new towns and new trails. Both excellent apps, but not for this application.

You will receive an email with a link to join the "Red Rocks of Sedona Trail Race". Once you click the link and RSVP "yes" you will have access to all 5 race courses. Once on the website, you can change the view, add in POV and mileage markers to the map, look at the elevation profile and most importantly for those NOT using the Ride with GPS app on their phones, you can download GPX/TCX files for use on your personal device (ie. watch, etc.). 

For 50M and 34M racers, we recommend carrying a small external USB battery for your phone if you anticipate being on course for more than 5 hours. Escpecially if you use the Ride with GPS navigation on your phone AND record your run with Stava. Two apps being used simultaneously (yes~this can be done, we've done it ourselves), will drain your phone battery fast. Otherwise, you can help prolong your battery life by downloading the race courses and viewing them for navigation offline. Keeping your Home screen closed will also help reduce battery drain. More of this is explained below.

​Below you will find step by step instructions on how to install the Ride with GPS app, RSVP to the event and operate Ride with GPS. If you choose to download a TCX or GPX file to your personal device (Garmin watch, etc.) these will be available once you RSVP to the event also.

1. Go to the App Store on your phone. Search for Ride with GPS and download it for free. 

​    Do this first.

2. You will receive an email inviting you to the Red Rocks of Sedona Trail Races event.

Once you RSVP “yes” you will have access to all (5) race courses

3. On line you can view the courses, elevation profiles, turn by turn cues, change the map view

(Satellite, TOPO, Ride with GPS, etc.), add/remove POV and mile markers plus more...

To export a TCX or GPX file to your personal device NOT using the Ride with GPS app

on your phone, select which race you would like to view. Once it is open, select the “More” tab

in the upper left-hand corner.

4. Select “Export as File”. Use the arrows on the right-hand side of the screen to expand the

format you would like to learn more about. Most devices will accept the TCX Course file.

Be sure to read about your device beforehand. Once you’ve decided which format is best

for your device, click the Download “orange bar”. We strongly recommend you test your

device to make sure everything downloaded properly. Be sure to download two race courses

if you are doing the stage race.

5. If you choose to use the Ride with GPS app on your phone (we highly recommend this), you can simply download whichever race course you are doing and follow it offline to save your battery. First click the “Save” button on the bottom of the screen. Then click “Download for Offline”.  Once it has finished downloading, it will be available in your Library. The Library tab is located on the bottom of your Home screen. Click the Library tab and it will

allow you to access all routes saved “Offline”. Click the “Offline” tab in the upper-right corner of the screen.

                                Save                                                             Download                                                              Library                                                      Offline

​6. Once you have RSVP’d, downloaded the app and saved your courses for offline use, be sure to go to the app settings. Start by clicking on the “More” tab on the bottom right corner of the Home screen. Then select the “Navigation” menu. Once on the Navigation page, be sure to select all the “cues” so you will be notified of when to turn, when you’re off course (hopefully never) and mileage alerts (if you’d like to know). Lastly, before you start your race be certain the volume on your phone is up as loud as it can go. This way you’ll never miss a cue.

                                                                    More                                                      Navigation                                                  Cues

7. To start navigating a course, simply click the orange “Navigate” button once you have selected your race course from the offline Library.

8. You will appear as a “blue dot” on course. As you complete sections of the course, your route will become a solid red line once you have completed that section and the blue dashed line is what you still have to complete (what’s ahead of you). On the bottom of the navigation page, you have different “view” options. The “Metric” tab allows you to see your distance, speed, duration, distance left and estimated time. Remember* this app thinks you are on a bike, so the estimated time will be MUCH faster than anticipated. You can also click the “Elevation” tab and you will appear as a blue dot on course ~ I like this feature because you can see how much more climbing you have on course. You can also click the “Cue sheet” tab. This will give you turn by turn directions in a written cue sheet. Including trail names, when to turn and which direction to turn. 


                                Blue Dot                                                      Metrics                                                   Elevation                                               Cue Sheet

​9. If you get off course, you will hear a low two tone alert signaling you are off course. The bar across the

top of your screen will confirm you are off course too. Find yourself (the blue dot) and see where you are.

The blue dashed line is the course you need to follow and complete. The solid red line is the section of the

course you have already completed. Try to get yourself back on course by following your “blue dot”. Every

minute you are off course, the app will alert you with the low two tones until you find your way back on course.

Once back on course, you will hear a “cheery” two tone alert signaling you are back on course. The bar across the

top will disappear and your next cue will appear. IF you cannot find your way back on course…you can always

select the “Tap to route back to course.” BUT it may not get you back on course the way the race course is mapped.

I would only use this feature if you have gotten so off course you are lost.

10. ***IMPORTANT***If the Ride with GPS stops working/navigating for any reason. Simply turn off/close the app. Open the app again and once it restarts, follow these easy steps:  From the Home screen select "Library", then "Offline". Find your race course and select it. Then hit the orange Naviagte button. Give the app a minute to find you again and start navigating. 

11. The National Forest has sprayed “white dashes” on slickrock areas and rock cairns within wire mesh to help visitors find their way. These may come in handy when you do not see a flag, but need some reassurance you are on a trail. We have selected a few photos to show you what they look like. 

                                                                      White Dashes                                                                                                                 Rock Cairns