camps and races in sedona & the santa monica mountains  



email us if you have any further questions not answered below.

Questions and Answer...

​Where the heck is Sedona and how do I get there? Sedona, Arizona is located approximately 2 hours north of Phoenix in the Red Rock District of Coconino National Forest. The closest airport to Sedona is Pulliam Airport located in Flagstaff and serviced by American Airlines and United. Otherwise, Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport has many airlines servicing it daily. Groome Transportation services Sedona from Sky Harbor Airport if you are looking for a shared ride. Their shuttle runs multiple times daily.

What is the elevation of Sedona? Sedona is located 4,500' above sea level.

What time zone is Sedona in? Sedona is officially in the Mountain Time Zone and does NOT observe Daylight Savings.

​When is sunrise/sunset on Race morning? Sunrise on April 19th is at 5:48 AM. Sunset is 7:04 PM. 

What is the weather like in Sedona in April? Average high temperatures range from 68-76 degrees F. Mornings many be cooler, so wear a layer and leave it at the start line area.

Where should I stay? Our host hotel is the Arabella Hotel. A short 0.4 mile/8 minute walk to bib pickup on Friday ~ April 18th at the Hike House and a quick 15 minute/5 mile drive to the race start at Yavapai College/Sedona Center on Saturday ~ April 19th. Come early and stay late to "experience" all that Sedona has to offer. Use discount code "TRE" for 30% off your stay. Otherwise, there are other options in neighboring Cottonwood, AZ; from camping to AirBnB's. Visit the other links on the VUE's Home page. Click the tab above.

​Where do I pickup my Race bib on Friday, April 18th? Bibs will be available for pickup on Friday, April 18th at the Hike House from 12 Noon-4:30 PM. Located at: 431 State Road 179 Sedona, AZ 86336. If you would like someone else to pickup your bib, please email us to let us know. We'll be hosting a "shake out" run at 5 PM along with our Opening ceremony at our Host hotel ~ the Arabella's knoll. Located nehind the Arabella. Follow signs for Marg's Draw trail. Join us for a Moment of Intention and Sound healing with one of Sedona's finest ~ Capri. Sunset is at 7:04 PM.

Can I pickup my Bib race morning, Saturday April 19th? Yes. Bibs not picked up on Friday, April 18th will be available for pickup at Saturday's race start ~ Yavapai College located at 4215 Arts Village Drive Sedona, AZ 86336 starting at 5 AM.

Where do the races start on Saturday, April 19th? Races start at Yavapai College located at 4215 Arts Village Drive Sedona, AZ 86336. There is NO runner parking here. Runner parking is located in the adjacent dirt parking lots along Cultural Park Place at the Cultural Park Trailhead located at 77 Cultural Park Place. Please park in an orderly fashion, as there are no assigned spots. No overnight parking is allowed. Please follow all posted signs. Additional street parking is available on Navoti Drive. Please read posted parking signs for any restrictions.

When do the races start on Saturday? The 50M & 34M races start at 6:00 AM. The 21M & 12M races start at 7:00 AM and the 4M race starts at 8:00 AM.

Is there a time limit for the races? Yes. All races MUST be completed by 6:30 PM. 50M and 34M runners will have internal cut offs as well. 1st cutoff is at Mile 15.5 at 10:30 AM for both races.50 Milers will have two additional cutoff at Mile 34 at 2:30 PM and Mile 42 at 4:30 PM.

Will there be Aid Stations on course? There will be 5 Aid Stations on course. Click on the Course Maps tab above to see each race's layout with AS locations. This is a "cupless" race. You will be required to carry a handheld bottle or hydration pack with bladder to refill at Aid Stations. We will be offering Skratch hydration, Energy chews and Bars, along with GU gels and Salt Stick electrolyte chews. In addition ~ fruits, salty snacks, SNB, anti-bacterial wipes, sunscreen, Kleenex and more.

Where will the Restrooms be located? Restrooms will be located at the Start/Finish area and at several other Aid Stations. Please see your Course map for more details and locations.

Will there be Medical on course? We will have an EMT/Nurse at the Finish Line. All Aid Stations will

have First aid kits to assist you in the event of a fall. Our volunteers will contact us, if you are unable to finish the race and need to be transported. In the event of an emergency and you cannot get yourself to the nearest Aid Station, please call 911.

Will GPX Files be available? Yes. We will create GPX files that you will be required to download. We use Ride with GPS mapping software when we create our course maps. All runners are strongly encouraged to download the Ride with GPS app to their phone to follow the course. If you do not carry a phone, but wear a can download the GPX files to your device as an alternative. The Ride with GPS app can be downloaded for free and offers "voice navigation", prompting you when to turn; you will not have to look at your phone. Simply turn the volume up and place it in your hydration pack front pocket or waistband. You will be sent an invitation to join the VUE event. Once you RSVP "yes" you will have access to all 5 course maps. Simply download the Ride with GPS app from the App store and download the course(s) that apply to you. You may also download the GPX file to your device/phone, IF you are not using the Ride with GPS app. However, we highly reccommend using the Ride with GPS app for navigation. You can still record your run with Strava or your Garmin. The Ride with GPS app is for navigating the course only. If you have any technical issues, please email us. You will need these digital maps (GPX files) to follow the course, as we will only be marking important junctures and flagging minimally. If you are running the 34M or 50M race we suggest buying an external battery to carry with you or place in your drop bag for access at the Aerie TH Aid Station. We also suggest if you are running the 34M or 50M races and think you may miss the internal cut off at 10:30 AM at Mile 15.5 to download your race AND the race distances below case you need to drop down. This way you have the alternative route already downloaded for use on your device. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns before race day please.

Will the courses be marked? We will be marking the courses with different color pin flags and directional arrows at trail junctures when neccessary. Colored pin flags will indicate you are on the correct trail and white pin flags with a black "X" will indicate the wrong trail. In the past, we had issues with markings being removed/tampered with. Moving forward, we will be marking minimally and requiring ALL runnners to use a GPX file to navigate their course. It is your responsibility to know your course. With less markings on course, there is less of a chance they will be tampered with and less likelihood that someone will get off course. Your safety is our first priority. Printed cue sheets will be available at the start line and Aid Stations for reference, but they are also in the course map files you will download. These will contain the names of the trails in your race and which way to turn. We go more into detail about the GPX files on our GPX Files page (see tab above). Each race will have a different colored pin flag. It is your responsibility to know your race color. Please make a note of your race course pin flag color (it will be the same as your bib color);

50 Mile - BLUE; 34 Mile - YELLOW; 21Mile - PINK; 12 Mile - GREEN and 4 Mile - PURPLE

What are the trails like in Sedona? If you have never run in Sedona, you are in for a special treat. The trails here include nearly all trail terrain. Sedona's trails are technical, so be mindful when you run. It is soooooo easy to catch a toe. You will encounter sandy washes, slick rock and narrow single track trails. Did we mention the views??? OMGeeeee.

Will the trails be closed to other users during the race? No. All trails will be open to the public during the race and they are heavily trafficked by hikers and mountain bikers. PLEASE be aware of your surroundings and be patient with other users if you run up on them and they do not hear you. I guarantee you, they are taking in the views and may need a moment to move. Please announce yourself with enough time for them to get off trail. Trail use will pickup as you approach trailheads and it will dissipate as you get further out into the Wilderness. Please be patient...I know it's a race, but if you encountered people so did the guy/gal behind you!

Wanna take a picture? As we mentioned, the trails in Sedona are technical. Some trails are narrow with drop offs. We ask that if you would like to take a picture, PLEASE STOP. It is so easy to catch a toe here and go down. We'd like you all to return to the Finish line in good condition :)

Can I have a drop bag if I am running the 50M or 34M? Yes. Please bring your small duffle size drop bag to the Start line area with your Bib number/name on it AND the name of the Aid Station on it; either Dawa or Girdner. 50 Milers will be able to have (2) drop bags; 1 at Dawa TH (Miles 15.5 & 20.5) and 1 at Girdner TH (Mile 34 & 42). 34 Milers will be able to have 1 drop bag at Dawa TH (Miles 15.5 & 20.5).  Drop bags will be returned to the Finish Line post race. If you cannot wait until the drop bags are returned to the finish line, you will be responsible for retrieving your drop bag from the Aid Station OR they will be available the next morning at the Hike House after 9 AM.

Can I leave a bag at the start line area? Yes, we will have an area to leave a bag while you run.

Does everyone receive a Finishers medal? Yes ~ all finishers will receive a medal or buckle depending on their distance.

Does everyone receive a Race shirt? Yes ~ all finishers will receive a cool technical shirt. They will be AWESOME:)

Will the Top Female and Male winners be recognized? Yes ~ we will recognize the Top 3 Female and Male winners of each distance AND we'll recognize certain individuals for their "Spirit" too!

What if I need to drop down in race distances prior to race day? NO PROBLEM! Please email us to make any changes to your race. 

What if it's not my day and I can't finish my race? If you are not feeling it and can't finish your race, no worries. Make your way to the nearest Aid Station and we'll take care of you. Be sure to let us know at the Finish Line if you did not finish. If you have a friend or family member pick you up from the course, PLEASE text Erica at (805) 807-8022. Otherwise, we have no way of knowing you made arrangements and are not lost on course.

What if my plans change and I cannot make the race? Do you offer refunds? We do not offer refunds, but your registration can be rolled over to next year or applied to one of our trail running camps.

What if the race is cancelled? If the race is cancelled due to unforeseen reasons, we will try to reschedule it for another date that year. If we are unable to reschedule it for the same year, we will roll everyone's registration fees over to the next year. 100% guarantee. Pinky promise.

Post race "Kick~back"? You bet! We'll be hosting a "beer garden" kich back on Saturday, April 19th from 10 AM - 6 PM. So stop by the "back patio" of the Yavapai College (that's where the race starts/ends) and grab your complimentary beer! Simply bring a photo ID and we'll let you in! No ID? We will not be able to give you a wristband to drink. In addition, we'll have a Food truck on site with your post race complimentary food! Additional food available for purchase for friends and family. Performance Recovery will be on site for post race IV options (services cost money) and Good Medicine will be on site for complimentary post race massages.

Evening festivities? You bet! Red Wall Lounge will be hosting our evening "not fancy" soiree from 6-9 PM! Come as you are and share your stories around the fire pit, with friends and family. More details soon.

Be sure to stop by the "Vendor Lounge" area at the Finish Line and grab your free samples, visit the Humane Society of Sedona who will be on site with a few of their adoptable pups! Please consider a donation to the Humane Society while you are there :)​​ Arielle's Light will also be onsite ~ they are the Host of our "Beer Garden" and one of our chosen charities. We will also be selling VUE branded gear ~ sweatshirts, hats and more. So bring your cash or Venmo. 

If you are in town early, Trail Running Escapes will be hosting a community "Beer Run" at Sedona Beer Company Basecamp ~ located at 70 Dry Creek Road. Come run with the locals and fellow racers. 5:00 PM on Thursday, April 17th. See you there! Please park across the street at the Sedona Public Library and walk to the Basecamp to join us :)